Myth Busting Funeral Facts - Poppy's Funerals
Breaking the taboo around death and dying, this article features advice and information from Poppy of Poppy's Funerals
We hope that this information is useful. We are all different, with our own personal wishes on how we would like our loved one to be looked after. As many of our bereaved friends have told us that they would have wanted to know all the details, before making a decision in order to be satisfied that they had made the correct choice, we have included this sensitive information.
We hope it will provide an insight into how some funeral directors choose to work, in order for you to fully understand the facts and help you with any questions you may like to ask.
The body does not need to be embalmed or sutured.
These highly invasive procedures are not necessary. The body can be left in its natural state.
Embalming is an invasive process during which the blood in the body, plus everything in the abdominal cavity, is replaced with a chemical mixture including formaldehyde and a pink dye. A pump pushes the mixture into the arteries as the blood is drained from the veins. A sharp surgical instrument used for drainage called a trocar is inserted into the abdominal cavity above the belly button. The razor sharp nib of the trocar punctures the organs and drains away the fluid and gas.
Embalming slows down the rate of decomposition, and also plumps and pinks up the body. Funeral directors can be keen on embalming because it eases their processes, because once embalmed there is less pressure to keep the person cool. Since funeral directors have been required to get permission to embalm, some have started offering the service to families by referring to it as ‘hygienic treatment’ which is not an accurate description of the invasive process involved.
Suturing is the process of stitching the mouth closed after death. A needle is inserted through the gums to tie the mouth closed. Eye caps are placed over the eyeballs to keep eyelids shut. How often is consent being given for these invasive procedures?