Welcome to our page for those of you who feel ready to move forward with your lives. You will find stories from those who have lost someone they love, but feel the want to find a way of finding new love, a new life and purpose.
We hope that these films will perhaps give you some ideas about what has helped others at this stage in their grief, which you may find interesting and may help you to consider what next step you are ready to take. There are organisations listed here to signpost you to sites which we hope will offer services that are useful to you.
Visit our Well Being page for advice and thoughts on taking care of yourself, so you can feel ready for whatever the future brings.
Please join our Moving Forward Virtual Cafes, running every Sunday evening from 6-7pm. These regular meet ups are for those a little less raw in their grief and are hosted by our bereaved volunteers, offering a regular social gathering. Email hello@nullthegoodgrieftrust.org to register.
I’m Fine, Thanks
A heart-wrenching journey of love, grief and redemption. Chris and Anne are enjoying a loving marriage in the prime of their lives when Anne is diagnosed with a rare and fatal genetic disease. For ten years, Chris and Anne endure this terrible secret alone.
After Anne’s death, Chris, ravaged by crippling grief, realises that his survival depends upon him ridding himself of his stiff upper lip. He must learn to open his heart and cry.
Saved from the depths of misery by life-saving therapy, he discovers a life beyond despair, rekindles his lapsed faith and finds love again.
Losing a son to suicide: A poetic journey through grief
Simply losing a child would have been difficult enough, but once you add suicide tothe equation it can almost seem insurmountable. But it is possible to weather this storm and learn to live again.
Not That Kind of Love
A year after the death of his beloved sister, Wise talks about caring for Clare in her last days, and the blog, now a book, they wrote together
Shattered:Surviving the death of a child
Gary Roe-“In Shattered, Gary Roe utilizes the stories and journeys of many bereaved parents to walk the reader from shock to hope. Gary is no stranger to the reality of grief and utilizes his unique empathy and understanding gained though a lifetime of working with the bereaved to create a truly healing book.” -Glen Lord, President/CEO, The Grief Toolbox; President, National Board of Directors, The Compassionate Friends, father of Noah Thomas Emory Lord, who died at age 4½
The Other side of Sadness
George Bonnano- examines how our inborn emotions,anger and denial, but also relief and joy,help us deal effectively with loss. And grieving goes beyond mere sadness: it can deepen interpersonal connections and often involves positive experiences.
Life Touches Life: A Mother’s Story of Stillbirth and Healing
Lorraine Ash-Ash discusses the inner changes she faced after the stillbirth of her daughter and delves into spiritual questions that shook her soul. The final message: Epiphanies emerge from the stuff of everyday experience. Hope is here.
Death… And How To Survive It: A unique, practical and uplifting guide to coming to terms with the loss of your partner
Kate Boydell-was widowed at the age of 33. She felt that her life had lost its purpose and she wanted it to end. But she got through it – and so can everyone. In this down-to-earth, practical, insightful and often humorous guide, Kate draws on her own experience of bereavement to offer frank advice on coping with every aspect of the grieving process.
I’m Grieving as Fast as I Can
Linda Feinberg-A guide for young widows and widowers through the normal grieving proccess that highlights the special circumstances of an untimely death. Young widows and widowers share thoughts and dilemmas about losing a loved one, what to tell young children experiencing a parent’s death, returning to work and dealing with in-laws.
When Bad things Happen in Good bikinis
Helen Bailey-takes her readers with her on her journey through life after the inconceivable loss of her husband – accompanied by her faithful dachshund, Boris. Honest, searing, yet often laugh-out-loud funny, this is a compelling story of a marriage, and a truly life-affirming testament to the power of survival.
Grief is a Thing with Feathers
Max Porter-two young boys face the unbearable sadness of their mother’s sudden death. In this moment of despair they are visited by Crow – antagonist, trickster, healer, babysitter. This sentimental bird is drawn to the grieving family and threatens to stay until they no longer need him
A Grief Observed
C.S Lewis- writes a book that details his paralysing grief, bewilderment and sense of loss after the death of his wife. Invaluable as an insight into the grieving process
Bereavement, Studies of Grief in Adult Life
Colin Murray Parkes-This book recognises that there is no single solution to the problems of bereavement but that an understanding of grief can help the bereaved to realise that they are not alone in their experience
Through Grief-the Bereavement journey
Elizabeth Collick-a widow describes her feelings in the hope of helping people move forward with hope
A Year of Magical Thinking
Joan Didion-A portrait of life and loss for anyone who has lost a spouse or child
Life After You
Lucie Brownlee- follows the story of a young widow as she moves from despair to hope
Holly explains what helped her move forward with her life
Do you need to speak to someone now?
Samaritans | 116 123 (UK) | For anyone at anytime for any reason |
Childline | 0800 1111 | Support for 18yrs & under and their relatives |
Silverline | 0800 470 8090 | Support for the over 50's |
National Bereavement Service | 0800 0246 181 | Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00, Sun – CLOSED |
Cruse | 0808 808 1677 | Nationwide bereavement support |
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland | 0808 802 6161 | Mon - Fri 9am-8pm and Sat/Sun 1-4pm |
Child Bereavement UK | 0800 02 88840 | Helpline (9 - 5pm) |
Child Death Helpline | 0800 282 986 0808 800 6019 | Every evening 7-10pm Mon/Thurs / Fri - 10am - 1pm Tues/Wed - 10am - 4pm |
Bereavement Advice Centre | 0800 634 9494 | Practical advice (9 - 5pm) |
DrugFam | 0300 888 3853 | Drug and Alcohol addiction The helpline line is available between 9am and 9pm seven days a week. |
Sands | 0808 164 3332 | 10am-3pm Mon to Fri daytimes and 6pm-9pm Tues to Thurs evenings Free confidential helpline for anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. |
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide | 0300 111 5065 | 9am-9pm every day |
Breathing space Scotland Helpline for when it becomes difficult to cope | 0800 838587 | Monday to Thursday - 6pm - 2am Friday 6pm - 6am |
The Compassionate Friends | 0345 123 2304 | Open every day 10 am – 4 pm, 7-10 pm |
The Lullaby Trust | 0808 802 6868 | Monday - Friday, 10 am – 5 pm |
Marie Curie | 0800 090 2309 | Open Monday - Friday, 8am – 6pm Open Saturday, 11am – 5pm on Saturday Practical and clinical information and support on all aspects of end of life and bereavement. |
Useful links
Teddy's wish retreats for bereaved parents | Free retreats for bereaved families following the death of a baby. Please contact the charity for details of forthcoming retreats |
Families Activity Breaks | Fun and challenging activity holidays for bereaved military families around the UK. There is a £75 charge for these holidays |
Family Holiday Association | A charity giving bereaved families a break |
Bereaved Parent Support Day | Understanding, encouragement and support to any parent who has suffered the death of a son or daughter in any circumstance and at any age. £22 per person |
Bereaved Parent Support Weekend | You will have time to seek help and advice from compassionate people who have also experienced the pain of losing a son or daughter. £150 per person |
Widowed and Young Support Day | An opportunity to share with or simply listen to others in a safe, supportive environment is an ideal opportunity to discover some fresh perspectives and to renew your strength, purpose and hope for the future. £22 per person |
Widowed and Young Support Weekend | As above but over an entire weekend, allowing for more time to have some space and time just for you. £150 per person |
Nelson's Journey | A Norfolk charity for bereaved young people, offering breaks away, clubs and online forums to help them move on with their lives |
The Compassionate Friends Support Events | The Compassionate Friends offer a range of events to help the bereaved, from retreats to memorial services, aimed at everybody who has ever suffered a loss. Please have a look at their page |
Going back to work after a death | Really useful advice and tips about returning to work after a bereavement |
Open to Hope | In times of bereavement watch, read and listen to stories of hope and recovery. |