Welcome to our page that supports those of you whose husband, wife or partner have died. Many of us at The Good Grief Trust have also lost our partners, so we want you to know that you have found others who have an idea about how you feel.
Click here for our UK Map to find your local support service.
Please watch our stories and read the articles further down the page, which we hope will be interesting and may help you to know you are not alone. We have signposted you to support organisations which we hope will be able to help you, if you are looking to talk to someone, join a group or just read more about others who have been through a similar loss. We're here for you.
Visit these pages for important information which may help now.
What to do when someone dies, Funerals, Things to Consider
Holly: Losing my husband at a young age
Martin: Supporting my three children
Pernille: Losing my boyfriend to cancer
Rupert: Dealing with the shock of loss
Zoe: Losing your identity after experiencing loss
Dame Esther Rantzen: The impact of loss
Do you need to speak to someone now?
Samaritans | 116 123 (UK) | For anyone at anytime for any reason |
Childline | 0800 1111 | Support for 18yrs & under and their relatives |
Silverline | 0800 470 8090 | Support for the over 50's |
National Bereavement Service | 0800 0246 181 | Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00, Sun – CLOSED |
Cruse | 0808 808 1677 | Nationwide bereavement support |
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland | 0808 802 6161 | Mon - Fri 9am-8pm and Sat/Sun 1-4pm |
Child Bereavement UK | 0800 02 88840 | Helpline (9 - 5pm) |
Child Death Helpline | 0800 282 986 0808 800 6019 | Every evening 7-10pm Mon/Thurs / Fri - 10am - 1pm Tues/Wed - 10am - 4pm |
Bereavement Advice Centre | 0800 634 9494 | Practical advice (9 - 5pm) |
DrugFam | 0300 888 3853 | Drug and Alcohol addiction The helpline line is available between 9am and 9pm seven days a week. |
Sands | 0808 164 3332 | 10am-3pm Mon to Fri daytimes and 6pm-9pm Tues to Thurs evenings Free confidential helpline for anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. |
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide | 0300 111 5065 | 9am-9pm every day |
Breathing space Scotland Helpline for when it becomes difficult to cope | 0800 838587 | Monday to Thursday - 6pm - 2am Friday 6pm - 6am |
The Compassionate Friends | 0345 123 2304 | Open every day 10 am – 4 pm, 7-10 pm |
The Lullaby Trust | 0808 802 6868 | Monday - Friday, 10 am – 5 pm |
Marie Curie | 0800 090 2309 | Open Monday - Friday, 8am – 6pm Open Saturday, 11am – 5pm on Saturday Practical and clinical information and support on all aspects of end of life and bereavement. |
Useful links
Widowed and Young | Peer support for those widowed under 50. |
The Jolly Dollies | Groups of widows who get together at social events |
Beginning Experience | A website with advice and information about the loss of a partner |
Cruse | Nationwide bereavement support |
Extra Grace Required | My First Year as a Widow-10 things I have learned |
Way Up | An active self help group aimed at providing mutual support to those widowed their 50's and 60's |
Much Loved | A site allowing you to create online memorials and tributes to loved ones. You can also invite friends and family to contribute |
Bereavement Advice Centre | Information and advice regarding the involvement of a coroner, if a death is unexplained, unexpected, unnatural or violent |
Louise talks about the complications of dealing with banks after losing her husband (article)
Gary talks about losing his wife to suicide and finding much needed support (article)
Author Elke, of ‘When is my Daddy Coming Back in a Minute?’ talks about losing her husband (article)
Author, Lucie Brownlee, of ‘Life After You’ talks about losing her husband (article)
Rupert discusses finding support for his three grieving children (video)