Coping with the loss of your partner

Welcome to our page that supports those of you whose husband, wife or partner have died. Many of us at The Good Grief Trust have also lost our partners, so we want you to know that you have found others who have an idea about how you feel.

Click here for our UK Map to find your local support service.

Please watch our stories and read the articles further down the page, which we hope will be interesting and may help you to know you are not alone. We have signposted you to support organisations which we hope will be able to help you, if you are looking to talk to someone, join a group or just read more about others who have been through a similar loss. We're here for you.

Visit these pages for important information which may help now.

What to do when someone diesFuneralsThings to Consider


Holly: Losing my husband at a young age

Holly talks about preparing for and losing her husband at a young age after his Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis

Martin: Supporting my three children

Martin talks about losing his wife to cancer while trying to bring up three children

Pernille: Losing my boyfriend to cancer

Pernille discusses losing her boyfriend to cancer and how she cared for him through his diagnosis

Rupert: Dealing with the shock of loss

Rupert talks about the emotional and practical difficulties that come with losing a partner while continuing to raise children

Zoe: Losing your identity after experiencing loss

Zoe tells her story about losing her partner, Liz, unexpectedly and the affect it had on her own identity

Dame Esther Rantzen: The impact of loss

Dame Esther Rantzen talks about how loneliness affected her after losing her husband Desmond