Lee Pycroft
Greg Wise
Shattered:Surviving the death of a child
Gary Roe-“In Shattered, Gary Roe utilizes the stories and journeys of many bereaved parents to walk the reader from shock to hope. Gary is no stranger to the reality of grief and utilizes his unique empathy and understanding gained though a lifetime of working with the bereaved to create a truly healing book.” -Glen Lord, President/CEO, The Grief Toolbox; President, National Board of Directors, The Compassionate Friends, father of Noah Thomas Emory Lord, who died at age 4½
Thriving After the Death of a Child
Cathy Cheshire-written after the death of her child, she wants to show how she has survived her trauma and gone on to live life to the fullest. She has gone on to not only survive but thrive
The Only Way is Through
Dr Gail Gross-A guide to help the bereaved live again
Resilient Grieving: Finding Strength and Embracing Life After a Loss That Changes Everything
Lucy Hone-“This book aims to help you relearn your world . . . to help you navigate the grieving process as best you can–without hiding from your feelings or denying the reality, or significance, of your loss.”
The Other side of Sadness
George Bonnano- examines how our inborn emotions,anger and denial, but also relief and joy,help us deal effectively with loss. And grieving goes beyond mere sadness: it can deepen interpersonal connections and often involves positive experiences.
How to survive the loss of a love
Do you need to speak to someone now?
Samaritans | 116 123 (UK) | For anyone at anytime for any reason |
Childline | 0800 1111 | Support for 18yrs & under and their relatives |
Silverline | 0800 470 8090 | Support for the over 50's |
National Bereavement Service | 0800 0246 181 | Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00, Sun – CLOSED |
Cruse | 0808 808 1677 | Nationwide bereavement support |
Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland | 0808 802 6161 | Mon - Fri 9am-8pm and Sat/Sun 1-4pm |
Child Bereavement UK | 0800 02 88840 | Helpline (9 - 5pm) |
Child Death Helpline | 0800 282 986 0808 800 6019 | Every evening 7-10pm Mon/Thurs / Fri - 10am - 1pm Tues/Wed - 10am - 4pm |
Bereavement Advice Centre | 0800 634 9494 | Practical advice (9 - 5pm) |
DrugFam | 0300 888 3853 | Drug and Alcohol addiction The helpline line is available between 9am and 9pm seven days a week. |
Sands | 0808 164 3332 | 10am-3pm Mon to Fri daytimes and 6pm-9pm Tues to Thurs evenings Free confidential helpline for anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. |
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide | 0300 111 5065 | 9am-9pm every day |
Breathing space Scotland Helpline for when it becomes difficult to cope | 0800 838587 | Monday to Thursday - 6pm - 2am Friday 6pm - 6am |
The Compassionate Friends | 0345 123 2304 | Open every day 10 am – 4 pm, 7-10 pm |
The Lullaby Trust | 0808 802 6868 | Monday - Friday, 10 am – 5 pm |
Marie Curie | 0800 090 2309 | Open Monday - Friday, 8am – 6pm Open Saturday, 11am – 5pm on Saturday Practical and clinical information and support on all aspects of end of life and bereavement. |
Useful links
Teddy's wish retreats for bereaved parents | Details of last years free retreat. Please contact charity for information regarding the next retreat |
Coping with Bereavement | NHS information on coping with Bereavement |
The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing | Kevin Young has introduced and selected 150 devastatingly beautiful poems that embrace the pain and heartbreak of mourning. Divided into five sections (Reckoning, Remembrance, Rituals, Recovery, and Redemption) |
Comfort for Grieving Hearts | If you are anticipating or coping with a significant loss in your life and wish to better understand the grief that accompanies such loss, this site has been created to offer you the information, comfort and support that you need |
In Memory Poems | A memorial is a way to remember a loved one forever. This site offers a selection of poems |
Grief Poems | Poems For Grieving After The Loss of a Loved One
Marie Curie Wellbeing Advice | Advice for looking after yourself when someone you love has died |