Things I wish I had known – Practical tips from people who have been through it

I wish I had known that.....................

  • That the only recording I may have of my partner is on a voicemail, on my phone or my answer machine which may automatically get deleted.
  • (Please save them now if you are concerned, this can be devastating for some people)
  • Where to go to get child psychologist help for the children
  • (Please visit for information on finding a qualified counsellor)
  • That Widowed and Young exisited – a charity for those under 50 who have lost a partner
  • That someone had told me that I didn't have to rush the funeral and that I could have had a memorial service, several months later, instead of planning an event just after my husband died, which was insane!
  • That I should have said yes to any practical help offered. Grief can be exhausting and I would have appreciated jobs being done around the house, that my children were looked after for a while and that paperwork was dealt with for me.